GOLDEN GIFT Our thanks to Harold Ballard and Terry Setzer for this rare recording of Jack Gale.
G2 5.0 compatible TOP STREAM 32Kbps (10KHz)
PLAY Jack Gale Morning Glory Demo, WAYS Charlotte N.C. 1966 (10:12)

. . . For the benefit of those of you who were lucky enough to miss portions of the award-winning Jack Gale radio program this morning . . .

[Description by Uncle Ricky]

This demo, undoubtedly prepared for out-of-Carolina advertising buyers who couldn't hear Jack Gale on BIG WAYS, features a number of Gale's most memorable voices and gags.

In the spotlight: Helicopter Harry, Lowell Pressure, Dawson Belles (the poet UNlaureate of the Queen City), Doctor Soochan (The Buckwheat Cake King), and The Gorilla.

Fittingly, Jack closes this demo with his show opening.

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