Dick Stoddard of Reno, Nevada,
worked Boss Radio at KUDL in Kansas City, KS, 1969. Dick also worked with Otis Conner Productions (Dallas), and keeps a cart machine at home, along with a very special collection of classic jingles and airchecks - and custom carts, of course. This guy can do "Instant Requests" for jingle packages! Pretty amazing..
Dick is a great fan of Top 40 radio. What's included here represents just a fraction of his collection. Dick was a *very* early contributor. All these exhibits are in Real Audio 2.0! Someday, we hope to get the originals from Dick again so we can upgrade the encoding. (We didn't keep masters way back then.)
The totally cool pics of the BOSS record surveys on this page are also courtesy of Dick (write him if you don't understand the significance of the KYNO survey). That's Bill Stevens of KYNO, taking a noon-day recess on the monkey bars, and Don Kelly of KFRC (with bananas) who delivers "a whole bunch o' hits" 9 to Midnight, at the Big 610.
Last we heard, Dick was a weather guy on Channel 8 TV in Reno, Nevada. The Repository is grateful to Mr. Stoddard for his generous contributions!
Thank you, Dick!