TOP STREAM 32 Kbps (8Khz)
This Exhibit 'SCOPED (08:36)
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Redd Foxx, eat your heart out!
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[Description by Uncle Ricky for this exhibit contributed by Don Jennett]
 Billy Pearl (courtesy Don Barrett's L.A. Radio People)
One set from Machine Gun Kelly opens this exhibit, and then Billy Pearl counts down the weekly KHJ 30 in Los Angeles from June 24, 1975. This portion includes hits 30 through 18, and a heavy spot load. And even though Pearl is remembered as a terrific DJ, he became a lawyer between his time at KHJ and KMPC (1981). A native of Los Angeles, Mr. Pearl did fill-in commentaries for Bruce Herschensohn on KABC radio (not TV) in AM drive (Ken & Bob Company) and later debated Bill Press on KABC radio, so he was definitely not your run-of-the-mill fast-talkin' "natural" voiced teen-time jock. (Thanks to Billy for the corrected information.)
This recording has suffered numerous wounds, including noise and flutter, but all indications are it's running at the correct speed. So, if the music sounds fast (and it does) the only logical conclusion is that KHJ was not playing the hits at the manufacturer's recommended revolutions per minute. There's a Mark Elliot aircheck from the next day that demonstrates the same symptoms.
Bobby Ocean is also featured doing his (Jam) Jerry Clifton imitation (Jam) on a Summer Jam promo.