When my dad died a year later, we moved 270 miles north to Bishop, California, a town with only one radio station. KIBS wasn't KMPC. Country music in the morning, a women's show called "Coffee With Virginia" for an hour at 9, Radio Bingo for an hour at 10, MOR the rest of the day and Top 40 at night. Signoff was at 10PM. Soon I discovered that, in the wintertime, half an hour before sunset (and the pattern change), I could pick up Gary Owens on KMPC. I started dialing around... between dusk and dawn, there were all these amazing radio stations that my little "pocket radio" could pull in... I could hear Lohman and Barkley on KFI before school part of the year... and KFRC, San Francisco; KHJ, KRLA and KDAY, Los Angeles; KCBQ, San Diego... and at night... when I was supposed to be asleep... the transistor tucked inside the pillowcase, directly under my ear... I "mainlined" the corrupting influence of Wolfman Jack on XERB. Still later, I found that if you put a radio really close to the cable for the TV, you could hear L.A. FM stations (though the closest to Top 40 on that band in those days was "HitParade '69" on KHJ-FM). Small wonder that when a substitute teacher (Virginia of "Coffee With Virginia") asked me if I'd like a job at the radio station in 1971, I jumped at the chance. I was 15. My mom had to drive me to L.A. to take the FCC license exam. I rode my bike to work after school. Mom drove me home at 10pm... the bike in the trunk of her car. During the next ten years I branched out to programming at KIBS and KSLY, San Luis Obispo (where I was music director) and, exposed to the example of Bobby Rich's KFMB-AM, San Diego, brought Top 40 pacing and production values to Adult Contemporary stations (KIOQ, Bishop; KUKI, Ukiah; KOLO, Reno). I made the move to television news in 1981, just as A/C was devolving into "Continuous Soft Hits". But even a wonderful career in TV in Reno, Las Vegas and Phoenix couldn't lure me completely away from radio. The bug bit again in 1993, when I filled in for 10 weeks of Pat Powers' maternity leave on Sunny 97 and was teamed with Danny Davis (KIMN, Denver, KRIZ, Phoenix, KISN, Portland). In '97, Sunny 97 had become Eagle 96.9 and Charlie Van Dyke asked me to be his partner for a new full-service morning show. Two months after we started, the station sold. And in '98, the local "Jammin' Oldies" station invited me to do one evening as part of a promotion featuring local TV news folks. After all that, is it any wonder I found my way behind a microphone again? This time, at a truly great radio station, NewsRadio 620 KTAR, Phoenix, where I did weekend afternoons and fill-ins from 2000-2004. In 2002, I was involved in the launch of a new independent television station in Phoenix as the producer and host of a weekly half-hour program about my second love cars. In October, 2003, they made me Director of Programming and Promotion. After two years of seven-day weeks and new responsibilities added to that, something had to give namely, a regular radio show. In August, 2008, I left and launched my own online venture about cars: TireKicker.blogspot.com. And from January, 2009 until May, 2011 I was the morning traffic anchor and reporter for ABC15 in Phoenix taking me full circle. Remember, my first radio idol was KMPC's Captain Max Schumacher. In 2012, I returned to radio, doing traffic reports for Total Traffic Network in Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, El Paso and Salt Lake City. In 2013, I transferred to TTN's 24/7 News service as a writer on the National Desk, and two weeks later was promoted to news anchor for 24 markets (including New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.) on Clear Channel's iHeartRadio app. All three of those jobs (traffic, National Desk and iHeartRadio) were in the same big newsroom at Clear Channel's Phoenix hub. In November of 2013, I returned home to California, 36 years to the day I left continuing to anchor for iHeartRadio in the same markets and adding overnight weekend newscasts for KOMO, Seattle from the studios of KFBK, Sacramento. In February of 2014, I was asked to make another move (in the same building) and become Editor of The KFBK Morning News. A few months later, I became Assistant News Director, and then Managing Editor. In October of 2016, I received the biggest honor of a 45-year-and-counting career---I joined The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neill as co-anchor and was promoted to News Director of KFBK. KFBK is a heritage radio station with a monster 50,000 watt signal at 1530 AM pumped through the only true Franklin antenna system in the United States giving us the highest field strength of any U.S. station, and a groundwave that makes us resistant to skywave fade (I used to listen on the drive home from Clear Channel Phoenix on fall and winter nights a distance of more than 700 miles). It has been serving Northern California (and most of Western America) since 1922. We're also on FM at 93.1, and on the iHeartRadio app for long-distance listening.
I am just as proud of my association with REELRADIO, and I tell anyone who'll listen just what Uncle Ricky and dozens of Reelpals have built---the finest museum of 20th century pop music radio imaginable. |
[Descriptions by Michael Hagerty]
![]() ![]() ... Up a Lazy River in the key of 'R' ... The Great Northeast Power Blackout of 1965 started as a brownout, as Dan Ingram demonstrates in this brief sample of WABC before the plug was pulled. Listen as America's most powerful Top 40 station loses power, and Ingram - true to form - has fun with it. |
![]() ![]() ... I'd tell you another one like that, but I'd set off the sprinkler system ... Never heard of Paul Miller? Sure you have after this morning show on KOMA in Oklahoma City, he went on to become Irv Harrigan of Charlie and Harrigan at KFMB and KCBQ, San Diego. |
![]() ![]() ... it's a conspiracy! The Chucker loves you! ... A collection of assorted clips orginally produced by Bobby Ocean for the KFRC 25th Reunion (1991). This timesweep includes Royce Johnson, Bobby Dale, Jay Stevens, Dale Dorman, Mike Phillips, Chuck Browning, Dave Diamond, Dick Sainte, Sebastian Stone and Charlie Van Dyke. Also included are KFRC News' Robert W. Shoals, Bob Safford, Ron Robertson, William Abbott and Roy Story. P.D.'s during this time were Tom Rounds, Les Turpin, Ted Atkins and Paul Drew. |
![]() ![]() Punk Cop! Pulled his big gun on me, gonna shoot the disc jockey!... A not-so-funny thing happened to Robert W. on his way to work - but L.A.'s highest-calibre morning man turns it into verbal target practice on the air just a few minutes later. |
![]() ![]() Yo' leeeeeeaaaderrrr!... First-night jitters? Not for Jack Armstrong's first night at WPOP, Hartford, Connecticut. The only worry might have been the chief engineer wondering if the transmitter would catch fire! Jack Armstrong passed away March 22, 2008 at his home in North Carolina. |
![]() ![]() . . . What do we know and believe? . . . The "Fractious Friday" Signoff - a specialty of The Real Don Steele, was a sure sign the weekend was here, and a cue to begin a quest for adventure in the "neon fun jungle". And of course, Tina Delgado is alive, Alive! |
![]() ![]() . . . take your time, baby, I'm here 'til 6 . . . It should have been so simple. The Real Don Steele tries to give away $4,000 in the hourly "Double Golden" contest, but loyal KHJ listener Rochelle Walter had never read the Drake format bible. Listen as the tympani bed runs out ... listen as Steele hums and sings ... listen as Steele asks for Bill Drake's home phone number ... and Rochelle still isn't ready! A classic! |
![]() ![]() ... they should have cut 'Jingle Bells' ... Proof that there was definitely more than one school of Top 40 radio in the early '70's. Call it "East Coast and West Coast" or "Yin and Yang" - this aircheck would probably give Bill Drake hives. That doesn't make WABC any less of an enduring legend, or PM driver Dan Ingram anything less than brilliant. |
![]() ![]() ... We have NEVER used that one... Call it "Dan does PAMS". A visit from the PAMS jingle rep is all the excuse Ingram needs to play a medley of jingles produced for WABC by the legendary jingle company - with running commentary. |
![]() ![]() . . . same to you, Ed . . . The studio hotline conks out it takes a week to fix it, and when they fix it, it rings out loud, on the air! Keep in mind that RKO General was owned by General Tire when you listen to Robert W. Morgan do the live spot for the tiremaker. |
![]() ![]() . . . I'll kiss you hard on the mouth... make your toes curl up like a salted snail... make your eyes bug out like a stomped-on bullfrog! . . . 'Nuff said. Just Listen. Loud. Jack Armstrong passed away March 22, 2008 at his home in North Carolina. |
![]() ![]() ... Charlie Tuna is a little older than you think. He winked at a good-looking chick and couldn't get his eye open again... After four years in everybody's dream job mornings at 93/KHJ (and two years as PD), Charlie Van Dyke returns to KLIF, and heads home to Dallas, where he started at age 14. On his way out the door, Van Dyke gives L.A. nothing but his best. The aircheck, sadly, is not from a studio machine. The static and sidebands seem to suggest it might not even be from L.A. County! But, it might be the best (and only?) recording of Van Dyke's last show on KHJ. |
![]() ![]() ... KFRC pauses for 8 seconds . . . for possible communication from extra-terrestrial beings... PD Les Garland jump-started his tenure at KFRC with the Clio Award-winning promo voiced by the late Paul Frees. If you were the PD of KFRC - would you have had the courage to format 8 seconds of dead air every hour for a week? Garland had more than just one great promo going for him. He and MD Dave Sholin shrugged off disco and played album versions of rock and pop hits. The late Neil Bogart, president of disco-intensive Casablanca Records, took out a full-page ad on the inside cover of Radio & Records which read, in big letters, "WE LOVE YOU LES", and then below, in smaller type, "and less, and less, and less". Garland didn't cry too much KFRC went to #1 12+ in the Arbitrons for the first time ever.
![]() ![]() GamAnon cured me, and I'll betcha a thousand bucks they can cure you too... When PD John Sebastian fired the Gunner from KHJ, he walked across the street to 10Q, and promptly won Billboard magazine's Major Market Personality of the Year on the strength of this aircheck. This is all from one hour of one show. Did he keep it up for the rest of the show? Only the Gunner knows for sure. Machine Gun Kelly has been at Capital Gold 1548 in London, KOST & KCBS-FM, L.A, and KOOL-FM, Phoenix, among others! For an update on the Gunner's current whereabouts - Click the COMMENT button. |
![]() ![]() © Copyright 1978, Dan O'Day. Used with permission (see Comment) ...that's why Rick's working in Memphis, instead of Los Angeles, because he's very ill-talented... Two years after Disco Duck - 2 years before Los Angeles, this is Rick Dees and newsman/sidekick Terrence McKeever - waiting for the call from RKO offering a transfer to the bigs. After listening to this one, you may wonder why McKeever isn't at least as famous as Dees. |
![]() ![]() ...96 ticks like a ten ton clock with that Steve Miller rock... He's currently afternoon drive at WKTU, New York, and has been at KMEL, WQHT, KFRC and more - but this is where the most incredible rhymer on the air ironed out the bugs and put together a composite strong enough to impress Gerry Cagle at KFRC. He's using his real last name on this 'check - Lankey? Lemke? (Somebody knew - Click the COMMENT button!) This was another Mike Joseph consulted Hot Hits station. |
![]() ![]() ...cloudy and humid with a chance of thunderstorms, snow, cracks in the earth and dinosaurs warring on distant planets tonight... Yes, the reverb is real - so are the sped-up records - and yes, this is FM. Hoffman puts on a clinic on how to be a high energy evening teen jock. Since, he's gone on to be a morning guy with stops in New York and Phoenix (twice!) Hoffman is currently Production Director at KABC/KMPC Los Angeles, in addition to doing cartoon voices via ICM Voiceovers in L.A. |
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Okay, you got a cymbal for Christmas, now what?
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![]() ![]() ...In fact, the next 15 years of KHJ is really the natural progression from these last 15 years... John Sebastian leaves and new PD Chuck Martin desperately rushes to put the personality and production values (the Paul Frees legal ID still knocks me out) back on KHJ. Rick Dees is brought in for mornings from WHBQ, Memphis (KHJ brought Terrence McKeever along, too, but separated them - putting McKeever on afternoon news. Anyone out there know why?) It may not have been too little, but it was too late, it turns out ... a year, maybe a little more, and KHJ flips to Country. It was the end of KHJ as a Top 40 station. Country would fail within 2 years, but KHJ came back as Oldies, and then switched to a recurrent and traffic report format called Car Radio before going back to oldies as KRTH-AM. (The station has been Spanish KKHJ since then. The FCC will not re-issue 3-letter calls). This aircheck features: Bobby Ocean, Pat Garrett, The True Don Bleu, Banana Joe, Rick Dees, Danny Martinez, Terry Moreno, KHJ News' Lee Marshall, and VP/GM Neil Rockoff's on-air address to the listeners as the station flips to Country. If you love rock 'n' roll, be warned - he'll tick you off! |
![]() ![]() . . . the only radio station in the world that is moving while you're listening . . . KFRC, like many stations in the early '80's, bought one of those big GM motorhomes (dual rear wheels ... big windows on the side) to use as a mobile studio. KFRC nicknamed theirs The Sturgeon. PD Gerry Cagle decided to take "The Sturgeon", equipped with a 14-channel Pacific Recorders console and nine cart machines - put the entire air staff (except Dr. Don Rose) in it, and drive it from KFRC's downtown San Francisco studios to Sausalito, and back - bouncing the signal off a small plane circling over the motorhome during the two-hour round trip. Jack Armstrong anchors the proceedings; it was his shift. He is joined by Bill Lee, Sandy Louie, Mark McKay, Sue Hall, Dave Sholin and Thom O'Hair. Jack Armstrong passed away March 22, 2008 at his home in North Carolina. Thanks to The Slim One for providing a longer version of this exhibit. |
![]() ![]() . . . little favor I've got to do for more than a few of you who called in from Mountain View waiting for Bryan Adams to sharpen up his Ginsu and cut through . . . The first thing you need to know is that Holly Near is a lesbian folksinger. The second is that, according to people who've been fortunate enough to work with him, Bill Lee makes this stuff up off the top of his head making this aircheck that much more exhilarating. I'd hire him just for the weather report on the intro of Men at Work's It's A Mistake (at 13:50 in). |
![]() ![]() . . . If you're really sufferin', I don't think you need Anacin, Bayer or Bufferin . . . Not many people know that when Bill Lee left KFRC in 1983, his next stop was Fargo, North Dakota. He wasn't there long, WLOL in Minneapolis grabbed him within months. This aircheck is actually a night that Bill did for fun and for free on a visit back to Fargo from Minneapolis. He brought along his new sidekick and future bride, Beth Bacall. |
![]() ![]() . . . do I get to play the bagpipes now? . . . The granddaddy of high energy Top 40 jocks (at it since 1960 on killer stations like WKBW, KFI and KFRC) in his last (so far) major market gig. This is actually two airchecks: The first half is from March 1985, the second from October of the same year. PD Ed Scarborough, trying to make the station fly on a budget which is a fraction of rival KIIS-FM, is making changes. Midday jock Christopher Lance, there in March, is gone, and replaced by The Slim One (WLS, KFRC), and Armstrong's been told to dump The Gorilla (his famous alter-ego). It ended up not mattering KKHR was history within a year of this aircheck. Jack Armstrong passed away March 22, 2008 at his home in North Carolina. |
![]() ![]() . . . Got a tape measure? . . . The best noon to 3 jock in L.A. since Bobby Ocean went home to San Francisco, The Slim One keeps it fast and fun in the final hour of her show on KKHR, Thursday, October 24, 1985. Want to hear what happens after the handoff to Jack Armstrong? It's on the Armstrong KKHR 'check on this very page! |